I have to add something: I made it to the first page of Annik Ruben's page! see her entry here:
click on this link for more information.
Many of you may not know my favorite German podcast "schlaflos in München" (SIM), but I just wanted to let you know that SIM on worldtour finally has arrived in Buenos Aires, too :-) (to those of you know what I'm talking about).
click on this link for more information.
Many of you may not know my favorite German podcast "schlaflos in München" (SIM), but I just wanted to let you know that SIM on worldtour finally has arrived in Buenos Aires, too :-) (to those of you know what I'm talking about).
Here the pics: (click on them to see them bigger).

1 comment:
hihi cool!...auch wenn ich erst den ewiglangen Link im screenshot abtippen musste um den zusammenhang wirklich zu verstehen (hätte ja auch sein können dass eine andere daniela das Bild gemacht hat, oder annik selbst in buenos aires war...)
naja ich wünsch dir jedenfalls noch ne tolle zeit mit deiner Familie und dann müssen wir bald mal wieder skypen!
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