Saturday, December 20, 2008

"Hasta luego" or "see you again next year"

Hey there,

today I will do my last shopping here in Buenos Aires and have my last party here, tomorrow I will pack my backpack and give away my laptop. On Monday I finally leave Buenos Aires and my big trip will start. I just booked my flight to Cuba yesterday and now I am really excited to start my trip. I will be travelling from the end of December until April, so I am having about 3,5 months to travel. I will start in Costa Rica and will make my way through all the countries up to Mexico. So far the only fixed things are my flight to Costa Rica and back and one from Costa Rica to Cuba and back. Everything else I will figure out when I'm there. I didn't want to plan to much as things used to change while travelling. To those of you that are interested in my trip, I did a small animation :-)

My trip:

So for me it's time to say goodbye! Thanks for those that were reading my blog. From time to time I might post some news stuff but I don't know if it will work out. I would just like to concentrate on my trip and I won't have a laptop with me. With other words: Merry Xmas, a happy new year and hope to see you all again in April.

Hasta la vista!


Simone said...

Gute Reise und cuidate :)

Eva said...

Hey Dani,
zwar etwas verspätet, aber besser als nie: ich wünsch dir auch noch ne gute Reise, ganz viel Spaß und sobald du surfen warst musst du mir natürlich bescheid geben! ;-)

Ich hoffe du schaffst es hier so oft wie möglich mal nen Zwischenbericht zu geben! Ich beneide dich echt total um diese Reise, wird sicher super!!!
Liebe Grüße,