Hey everyone!
Last thursday I had my last exam (my professor gave me 8 points out of 10 and recomended me to think about studying in Mexico or the USA :-) , so I was extremely happy!) and a few hours later I found myself sitting in a bus going to Santiago de Chile. Duration: 22 hours. I was travelling alone, I saw it as a test for myself and for my new 60 liter backpack I just bought. It's was not the first time I was travelling alone, but it was the first time travelling alone in Southamerica to a country for that I haven't had a guide book. I've never been to a country without any guide book so I was a little afraid to find everything I was looking for. The only thing I had was the direction of my hostel that's it. But as usual everything turned out well besides a littl
e inconvenience: After a little 2 hour break in the middle of the Andes, because the motor of the bus broke down, we had to wait for another bus to pick us up. The border crossing was not complicated at all, checking passport, argentinian leaving stamp, chilenean arriving stamp and checking the lugguage.
Luckily in Santiago de Chile the bus terminal was right at a metro station so I just jumped in to get to the hostel. The hostel? Was really great! I had such a good time there! During the day I walked all around the city and luckily I found out that right at the time there was a doble exhibition of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera (mexican artists) , so one of my favorite painters! It was really great to see their art in real! And nights, we had asado at the hostel (barbecue) and went out. In my room was a groop of Irish girls and a English guy and we hAfter two days I took the bus to Valparaiso, it's a city at the coast and famous for its UNESCO site. The houses are all built up on hills and are often only connected by stairs. I almost felt like I was in San Francisco, deep hills, up and down... With the staff from the hostel we climbed up the hills and found out that on the same day there was an art festival. So many trolleys of the city were changed into moving stages! See here for the video I made. It was really funny. I really think that the city is one of the most creative cities I've seen so far.
Here the first video: A small band playing:
Here the second video: some kind of a drag queen :-)
The next day I met Steffi, a friend of Dani, my German friend here in BsAs. S
Arrived in Mendoza I did the obligatory thing: A wine tour! 75 % of the wine in Argentina is produced in Mendoza and surroundings. So I didn't miss the chance to try out some wine there! On my last day I was walking around the city - and - suddenly somebody was screaming my name! I turned around and who was there: Steffi! Steffi from Augsburg! So funny, I knew that she was travelling also, but she had a totally different route and so I never thought about that at some point our routes would cross again :-) What a coincidence!
Now I am back home in BsAs, I'm really exhausted and I am sick again (I hate the stupid air conditioning in the bus - it always makes me sick! I'm sitting in the bus with a sweater and a jacket and outsite its about 35 degrees! this can't be right!) but I still have some days to get all my stuff done.
What do I learn from my little trip to Chile:
1) My backpack is great! Test approved!
2) I can't help myself but somehow I found people in Chile a little more friendly than in Argentina.
3) Travelling is not only relaxing but can also be pretty exhaustible.
4) One night only at one place its too stressfull. I rather stay at least 2 nights!
5) I love travelling and meeting new people!
6) I can't wait to leave!!!
That's from now so far! The whole album of my trip see here.
Du weißt gar nicht, wie sehr ich dich darum beneide, in Valpo bzw. in Chile gewesen zu sein. Wenn ich mir die Fotos anschaue, dann geht mir das Herz auf! Ich finde Valpo wundervoll (zwar viel zu schmutzig und viel zu viele frei laufende Hunde), aber einfach so bunt und lebensfroh :) Warst du abends mal weg? In einer Kneipe oder so? Es gibt nichts tolleres. Wie hat dir Santiago gefallen? Was hast du gesehn, wo warst du?
Und ja, netter als die Chilenen geht gar nicht mehr ;)
Ich fand Valpo auch toll! Ziemlich dreckig zwar, aber die Stadt hat auf jeden Fall Flair! Santiago fand ich auch nicht soo übel. Alle haben mich gewarnt, wie hässlich und langweilig die Stadt sein soll, aber ich fand's nicht soo schlimm. Ich hatte dort viel Spaß!
Nur schlepp ich mal wieder ne Erkältung mit mir rum. Ich HASSE KLIMATISIERTE BUSSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ich hab dir auch ne Kleinigkeit mitgebracht, aber da musst du wohl oder übel warten, bis du zurück bist :-)
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