Thursday, October 16, 2008

Trip to Córdoba and surroundings

Last weekend we went in a group of ten people to Córdoba (6 Germans, 1 Austrian, 1 Columbian, 2 French). Córdoba is about 9 hours away from Buenos Aires by bus. So we took the bus at night and arrived in Córdoba about 8 in the morning. On Friday we didn't really see a lot of Córdoba, because we had something special to do: We went on a trip to "La cumbre", a landscape 2 hours away from Córdoba - popular for its landscape and for paragliding!

The weather was great (a lot warmer than Buenos Aires), the sun was shinging all day and the view was astonishing! Unfortunately only 7 of our 10 people could do the paragliding. Unfortunately I wasn't one of them :-( Paragliding depends a lot on the right wind and on that day, the wind changed a lot. Nevertheless the 3 of us that weren't able to jump, enjoyed the weather and the view.

Saturday we booked an offer from the hostel to go to a national park with a little hiking included. It was really a wonderful day! The sun was shining all day and we had really a great time together climbing up the hills of the national park. The highlight of this trip was the hike of a 25 meters high hill. Those of you that think 25 meters - that's nothing - no! It's not easy! This hill was so steep and it was really hard to find a spot to put your hands and feet in order not to fall down!
Sunday we left the hostel at 8 in the morning to get the bus to "Villa General Belgrano", a little village that's about 2 hours away from Córdoba. Getting up so early in the morning had only one reason: The Oktoberfest! Villa General Belgrano ( is a village where Germans and Austrians settled down a few decades ago and tried to keep their traditions. The Oktoberfest was really a lot of fun! But of course it is not at all comparable to the real "Wiesn". The "Brezeln" taste like shit, the play funny, non-Wiesn music like the song "Heidi - deine Welt sind die Berge", which would never be played at the real Oktoberfest! Also they're wasn't a real tent, everything was outside. Unfortunately it wasn't possible to drink from a normal one liter glass if you didn't buy the "Maßkrug". Most of the Argentinians bought their own "Maßkrug", I didn't want to buy one so I had to drink from a small glass - just imagine - how funny at the Oktoberfest to drink beer from a small glass! And by the way - the beer isn't German but Argentinian (Quilmes). All in one - it was a really funny and strange experience to be at a "trying-to-be-German-tradition" place far far away from Germany!

Our last day in Córdoba, we really spent in Córdoba :-) Luckily the city is pretty small (at least compared to Buenos Aires) so it could be done in one day. I liked Córdoba pretty much, it has many nice buildings, it's less noisy than Buenos Aires and cheaper and more interesting than Montevideo ;-).

If you're interested in seeing more pics on the internet, click here to see the whole web album.
Saludos desde Buenos Aires,



Eva said...

Coole Bilder und wahnsinns Blick den ihr da auf dem Berg hattet!!! Schade, dass du nicht paragliden konntest, wär bestimmt cool gewesen :-D
hihi das Oktoberfest ist ja witzig, sowas ähnliches soll es hier auch geben, aber ich war noch nicht da...

So dann mal liebe Grüße in den Norden und wir müssen demnächst mal wieder skypen!


Eva said...

hui da habe ich tatsächlich geschrieben "in den norden" ich mein natürlich "aus dem norden"! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Dani,
sieht echt super schön aus. Ich denke mal, du hast ganz viel Spaß da (obwohl du kein deutsches Bier hast ;). Aber vll war das ja ein kleiner Trost, dass du das Münchner Oktoberfest verpasst hast. Du weißt ja, nach dem Oktoberfest ist vor dem Oktoberfest, deine Worte!
Wünsch dir weiterhin ganz viel Spaß und hoffe, wir können bald mal wieder skypen. Was macht dein schauspielender Mitbewohner und gehst du immer noch so oft in Restaurants essen?
Großer Knutsch aus British Columbia!!!!

Simone said...

Hola Dani,

qué lastima que no hiciste el "Paragliding". Córdoba parece - segúna las footos - ser una ciudad linda :)
Y qué bueno que te fuiste al Oktoberfest. Cuando yo estuve en Chile el Colegio Alemán de Valparaíso también organizó una "fiesta de la cerveza" con el nombre Oktoberfest (que tuvo lugar en noviembre *g*) y como tu lo contaste lo celebraron al aire libre y con vasos de plástico, tamaño 0,3 litros (el más grande);)

Además te puedo contar que anoche me fui por primera vez al Yum-Club y - una sorpresa grande (por lo menos para mí) - me gustó mucho. Bailé toda la noch hasta las tres y media de la mañana cuando mis pies no quisieron moverse más ;)
Por la mañana en la clase de castellano casi no pude decir nada: mi voz ha sonido muy ronca y el profe me ha preguntado si estoy enferma ;)

Te escribo tanto porque necesito practicar castellano: en un mes más será mi examen del certificado de castellano comercial con tres pruebas: Una traducción de 90 minutos de duración una tarea escrita también de 90 minutos y un examen oral de 30 minutos que estoy temiendo mucho..

Espero que estés bien y que todavía te sientas cómoda en América Latina. Cuidate mucho!!!